5 Personal Safety Apps For Women

Are there safety apps for women? Should women have these safety apps in their mobiles? Which are the best safety apps for women?

Due to the high increase in the crime rate in our society, it is a need for time to keep security in check. Especially for women, our society is becoming very dangerous. We as an underdeveloped country, facing many issues regarding women. Rather than bringing confidence in women, we push them to follow strict rules. Rather than encouraging them to face problems alone, we turn them into victims. Thus, to bring some comfort, we are discussing some personal safety apps for women. These apps will help them to protect themselves and to feel secure.

List of Safety Apps for Women

  1. Eyewatch SOS for women
  2. iGoSafely
  3. Smart 24×7
  4. Shake2Safely
  5. Chilla

Eyewatch SOS for women

Eye watch SOS for women is an App, that can be found on iTunes and Google play store. It catches video and audio of the device’s surroundings. A user needs to register a “Contact” with it. It sends the data to the registered contact along with message alerts. The app comes with high accuracy of the location even without GPRS functioning. When the user reaches the safest goal location successfully, it allows the user to press the “I am safe” Button to inform loved ones.


It is also a reliable App to categorize here in safety apps for women. It sends messages to your emergency contact along with emails and current locations. iGoSafely sends messages to your contact.

Smart 24×7

It another safety App for women to use on their mobile phones. Safety 24/7 has some amazing instant features. Such as: a user can press the button to call the Police immediately. Also, you can pre-set your loved one’s contact to call as well. In case the GPRS function doesn’t work in an emergency, the location can be sent through SMS. It also helps in tracking someone who has the app. This app also provides some additional features. Other features include customer support and chats.


Shake 2 safely is another safety app used in emergencies. This app uses SOS services i-e an emergency contact service. It makes a call or sends messages, when the power button is pressed continuously 4 times or after shaking the phone.

The most important feature of this app is that it works without the internet and with lock screen. It is also a useful safety app if you need to report robbery or any accident in an emergency.


Chilla is a great app for emergencies where you can’t use your phone to inform anyone. Thus, this app works by women’s shouting. In an emergency, the user can loudly shout to activate the App. After activation. App send messages on the emergency contact number saved on the phone.

It can also send messages to any contact that is user-defined in case of emergency. This app can be found on the iTunes store and Google play store.


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