The best Freelance writing sites-2024!

The best Freelance writing sites-2024!

The finest freelance writing websites that pay are something freelancers frequently ask me about. Additionally, even while many websites can help you discover freelance work in general, you’re better off searching for websites specializing in freelance writing.

These freelance writing platforms offer thousands of online writing gigs at your fingers right now, saving you the time and effort to play the networking game, wait for referrals, or create material in the hopes that something will finally work out. Investigate this further.

Best Freelance writing sites for beginners

It might take time to establish a successful freelance writing profession. The quantity of content mills that don’t pay well or provide high-quality content makes it difficult to sort through freelance writing websites. There are, fortunately, many different online writing platforms available for authors.

best Freelance writing sites

While some, such as the Pro Blogger job board and UpWork, have been around for a while, others are more recent additions to the scene but are more concentrated on offering specialist writing jobs. You may find high-paying online writing jobs in almost every area, from pet care to software and logistics, depending on your experience level.


Starting up on Fiverr, a well-known website for micro-tasks is free. You can set up a profile and advertise your availability for writing jobs on this network. Fiverr is among the top-rated freelance writing sites.

You might be fortunate, like many others, to find a good writing gig here because many users scour this platform to hire hidden treasures. The coolest thing is that others can hire you by using your Fiverr profile as their link. The platform handles all the hassles associated with receiving payment, and you can adjust your writing price anytime.

A smart move would be to create a profile and opt to get notifications whenever someone expresses interest in hiring you as a writer. You should look at the profiles of other well-paid authors on this platform to get an idea of what works and how to make your profile stand out.


Unquestionably one of the best freelance networks currently accessible is Upwork. Upwork is one of the renowned freelance writing sites. It is a generic platform that enables you to recruit independent contractors from all over the world with diverse expertise. You can access a freelance writing job board with many options at different costs if you’re a novice writer just starting. Additionally, based on the writing task you’re applying for, you can offer personalized prices and set your hourly rate.

There are countless chances on Upwork if you’re looking to hire authors. However, you will need to find the best candidates for your projects. Expect to spend some time educating employees to match your requirements for low-cost content.

best Freelance writing sites

In either case, there is no restriction on joining Upwork. Due to Upwork’s Escrow payments, all parties are also secured in the event that a job doesn’t turn out as anticipated. An employer makes an advance payment for a writing assignment, and the money is only provided to the freelancer after completing the task.

Read how Upwork pays freelancers here!

Like Upwork, has more than 42 million users from 247 nations. You can access a wide variety of hidden talent through a single dashboard. It’s also important to note that using the platform is free. You may access the top 1% of talent through a private freelancer cloud and workflow automation, among other things. is becoming one of the favorable freelance writing sites.

If you’re a writer and can deal with businesses, building up your profile on could lead to some major opportunities for you. If you need authors, you may employ anyone from anywhere and take advantage of benefits comparable to those offered by Upwork.


SolidGigs is first on the websites that list entry-level freelance writing employment. With SolidGigs, you may find fantastic writing jobs whether you enjoy blogging, copywriting, or social media.

Every week, they manually sift through dozens of freelance employment sites, posting the top 2% of prospects for their members. They don’t take a % of your client’s earnings, which is quite useful if you’re starting as a freelance writer, and you only need to pay a minimal monthly fee to access their list.


Expedia, Questex, and Skillsoft are just some of the top businesses and brands with which ContentWriters (C.W.) has collaborated. Therefore, C.W. likely has clients in whatever industry you’re interested in writing for. You can fill out the form on C.W.’s website to apply to work as a freelance writer.

However, they screen every writer who submits an application since they only want to collaborate with talented and experienced writers. The C.W. team excels at giving each task clear instructions and constructive criticism. Additionally, after a project is finished, C.W. moves quickly to acquire the client’s approval and to send immediate payment.


iWriter can be a better choice than Upwork or if you’re seeking a site that specializes in freelance writing gigs. It is renowned for offering general article-writing services at extremely low prices. iWriter is not for you if you’re looking for knowledge.

But if you’re a freelance writer, this platform is a terrific place to start if you want to start working online and making money from different writing jobs. As your writing abilities advance, you can write for platforms with more difficult admission requirements. That’s completely OK. However, iWriter is still a good place to start your employment search.

This website makes ordering inexpensive material easier for those wishing to hire writers, especially if you’re starting with online income generation and don’t have much money to spend on content.


Professional writers can find new clients and writing assignments on this job board and freelance writer website. All freelance job listings on FlexJobs have been reviewed and validated, a perk. You won’t need to be concerned about fraud or low-paying jobs.

To use the platform, independent content creators must subscribe for a fee to gain access to the job information. The freelance opportunities available on this platform range widely, from virtual assistants to SEO specialists, top-notch web designers, copywriters, content writers, software development engineers, and coders. Include testimonials from previous customers when applying for jobs to help you stand out from the competition.


Despite having very competitively priced content, Textbroker is superior to iWriter. The biggest advantage of Textbroker over iWriter is that you can have a team assembled for you by the company’s content managers, meaning you won’t have to worry about the hiring process.

To work with a handpicked team, the material only starts at 2.7 cents per word. In today’s market, this price is reasonable. Additionally, if you handle every aspect of hiring and posting jobs, the content fees begin at only 1.5 cents per word. You may also use translation services if you want your material to be created in more than 45 different languages. Only a few platforms for independent writers also provide translation services.

When a writer, Textbroker also provides incentive programs as you reach specific writing job milestones. Overall, Textbroker offers several distinctive features that no other platform has.


BloggingPro offers a freelance talent locator for businesses. This employment board, unlike FlexJobs, does not have a screening procedure. Therefore you will need to verify any potential opportunities to avoid scams independently. Businesses must pay $30 for a 30-day job posting, while freelancers can use the website for free job searching and application.

There are no prospects for independent designers or other creative professionals on the site, mostly devoted to bloggers. Along with advertisements for freelance writing employment, the website also features editorial and publishing job listings.


One of the top freelance writing sites to consider is Contena, as far as high-quality content is concerned. It is a platform for writers, editors, and content management only accessible by invitation. Every freelancer in the marketplace has undergone extensive screening and testing. The finest part of it, though, is that Contena also trains writers.

It is important to note that joining Contena is not free. Even seasoned authors must pay training and membership costs. There is also a $99 listing fee for businesses wishing to hire writers.

The platform’s brilliance, though, is that it lessens the difficulties felt by both parties. The fact that only respectable companies that pay fairly advertise on Contena are well known to writers. The writing jobs on Contena are of a higher caliber than those on any of the platforms above.

The best authors can only be hired through Contena, as those wishing to hire writers are aware. Beginners and illegible writing won’t be returned, either. People won’t need to receive writing instruction. Additionally, the problem of people using false portfolios won’t arise.

One of the top platforms for getting freelance work is Guru. So that potential clients can see the kind of content you write, you might set up a writing profile and showcase previous works. Additionally, the website makes it simple to determine your normal rate, which facilitates hiring and onboarding.

You can select skills and expertise for your profile to appear in searches by companies seeking freelancing service providers with your background.


Only the top 1% of writers are permitted to use the platform provided by ContentFly. Additionally, it spares you the bother of assembling your editorial staff. Their competitive edge is the cost savings ContentFly may achieve by utilizing automated methods to perform quality checks and write vetting.

Although it’s not ideal for novices, ContentFly pays a minimum of 5 cents per word and as much as 30 cents per word to freelance writers and editors. ContentFly is renowned for taking care of its clients and the freelancers on the platform, and they have thousands of satisfied authors on board. ContentFly’s quality is of the highest caliber for all forms of material you require if you want to have some written.

The team at ContentFly oversees every step of the content production process. They also provide a money-back guarantee if you’re dissatisfied with the work.


Another job site like Fiverr is called People-Per-Hour. It enables independent writers to register and set up profiles promoting their writing services. Reviewing bids and offers is made simple by the platform, which also has built-in communication channels to help move projects down the pipeline. On the platform, designers can compete for assignments while showcasing their work in design competitions.


Although Craigslist isn’t the best work site, with time and effort, you can discover writing jobs to supplement your income. With enough work, you can locate writing tasks that help you develop your portfolio, though you’ll need to weed through fraud and low-paying projects.

These results are also restricted to your area, so few options might be available based on where you live. Consider Craigslist as a resource for locating side gigs or career opportunities that can enhance your portfolio.


Creating a professional network is crucial for independent writers. The largest professional network in the world, LinkedIn, is a fantastic tool for locating customers and employees. LinkedIn has many writing jobs, and you may search and apply there. LinkedIn is a popular tool many prestigious businesses use to identify and hire foreign writers.

By setting up a profile and exhibiting your writing samples, you can draw in clients who are willing to pay well. You can also enhance your standing and power in your area of interest. Additionally, connecting with other writers on LinkedIn lets you learn a lot about the industry and develop contacts that will advance your career.


Verblio is a content writing company that offers top-notch material to companies and marketing agencies worldwide. Only the top 4% of applicants are chosen after a highly strict hiring process. This guarantees that every one of their authors is extremely experienced and skilled in various topic areas. Furthermore, 23% of their authors have a master’s degree or higher, making them subject-matter experts.

You need to be an excellent writer with good research skills and a firm grasp of SEO and content marketing if you’re interested in working as a freelance writer for Verblio. A U.S. citizenship is also required to apply. Even if the application process is challenging, it’s worthwhile because winners receive generous rewards!


Scripted is an online platform that connects businesses with qualified freelance writers to produce high-quality content. Scripted is how businesses like Adobe, Adidas, Healthline, and IBM obtain the required content.

Both novice writers and seasoned authors can benefit much from the platform. Scripted provides a competitive salary, prompt payouts, chances for remote employment, and a wide range of themes.

Register for an account and apply if you’re interested in joining Scripted. After that, a Scripted editor will review your credentials to ensure you possess the knowledge required to succeed on the platform. If you lack a lot of experience, don’t worry. You’ll be OK if you’re a superb writer and researcher.


Businesses can access the talent and resources they need to scale and perfect their content marketing through WriterAccess, a platform for content development. The platform WriterAccess claims to draw the best freelancers by paying attractive rates and providing complete transparency. Major corporations like Cisco and CarMax have utilized it to engage qualified independent contractors.

Members of the freelancing community can also determine their schedules and working hours, taking on as much or as little work as they like. WriterAccess will manually evaluate your work and experience when you apply, only inviting the best freelancers to use their platform. Then, based on your rating and level of knowledge, you can make between 2 cents and $2 for each word. Therefore, WriterAccess can be worth looking into whether you’re seeking a consistent flow of writing jobs or want the freedom to select your assignments.

Constant Content

A writing service called Constant Material assists companies in finding writers to produce digital content, such as blog entries and social media updates. More than 100,000 professional writers who have written material for more than 50,000 companies are listed in the website’s database.

Create your profile first, emphasizing your prior experience and writing abilities. Next, submit applications for jobs that fit your expertise and desired pay. You can develop a reputation and enduring relationships with brands as you operate on the platform. Your ability to grow your writing and digital marketing careers will get easier the more you put in. While experienced writers earn upwards of $600 for their articles, new freelancers should anticipate earning between $50 and $100 per post.

Don’t forget to watch this helpful video before moving to start your career as a freelance writer

Bottom Line

This post gives you various options on where to look online for freelance writing opportunities. Start with one and work your way up. When you sell and promote your articles for online money, you will have a strong voice since you may extend into others once you enter one market. Make sure your profile is full and that you’ve added your portfolio to these websites so that you appear to be a professional and an authority.


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