Beer-e-Shifa – A holy well in Saudi Arabia (updated 2024)

The water of Beer-e-Shifa well  is known as Aab-e-Shifa. Aab means water and Shifa means to heal something or healing. The history dates of Beer-e-Shifa well of Saudi Arabia dates back to more than 1400 years ago.Saudi Arabia is a place where thousands of Muslim worshippers move to offer their religious obligations. The two holy cities, Makkah and Madinah located in Saudi Arabia bear great importance for all the Muslims because of the two grand mosques and several other holy sites.We all are quite aware of Zamzam Well and its historical importance. Today in this article, we will talk about Beer-e- Shifa. Beer-e Shifa is a holy well that is also located in Saudi Arabia.

Location of Beer-e-Shifa

The well is situated around 80 kilometers away from Madinah in Ayla. If you are traveling from Madinah to the place where battle of Badr took place, this well lies in the way.

Here is the Google Maps location for Beer-e-Shifa:
Location Beer-e-Shifa

The historical significance of water of Beer-e-shifa 

The water of Beer-e-Shifa is known as Aab-e-Shifa. Aab means water and Shifa means to heal something or healing. The history dates of Beer-e-Shifa dates back to more than 1400 years ago. The well was initially dug by the villagers. The basic need of this well was to provide pure water for villager’s use and for the travelers who used to fetch water passing through the areas.

Unfortunately, the water in the well was bitter at that time but the villagers started consuming the water. According to history, the water was considered poisonous for drinking because the villagers and all those who drank the water from the well claimed severe illness. This was not all, some animals too fell ill after drinking the water from the well.  Hence the well was considered poisonous and unhealthy for use.

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How the poisonous water turned into healing water

There came a time when the Prophet Mohammad PBUH was passing the village with his companions. They stopped to drink water from the well, but the villagers stopped them saying not to drink water from the well because the water is poisonous. At that time, our Holy Prophet PBUH spat in the well and declared the water safe for drinking.

In another saying, Villagers informed the Prophet Mohammad PBUH about the well. He PBUH reached the site to solve the problem and make the water safe for drinking. Hence He PBUH spat in the water, the water lost all its bitterness and unhealthy properties and turned into sweet water.

It was one of the miracles granted to the Holy Prophet. The water in the well-turned sweet and gained some natural healing properties. Thus people named it as Aab-e-Shifa.

The water of beer e shifa cures the ill people

People believe that the water of this well has the power to cure the ill. Most people believe that this water can cure all kinds of illnesses. The people who gave this water to their ill animals found them turning healthy. Since people who drank the water and got rid of the illness, they came back to the well to store some water for future use.

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Benefits of the Aab-e Shifa (beer-e-shifa)

People who drank the water from the well claimed to have seen several health benefits.They say the water is still in its purest form and clean from all the germs and bacteria.It has shown magical healing powers to its users.>The water is a good source of calcium and keeps you active throughout the day. The well water is very effective in treating several ailments. Some people say that well water therapy is good for pains and abnormalities in the body

Hadith about Aab-e-Shifa (Beer-e-shifa)

Although there is no such hadith that can explain Prophet PBUH blessed this well but people say history is a fact. Many historians have also claimed that people are using Aab-e-Shifa for curing ailments for the last 1400 years.

Is the Water of Beer-e-shifa still available?

The water of beer-e-shifa is still available. It is said that it has miraculous properties. The people across Saudi Arabia demand it and thus it is sold. A motor has been attached to the well to pump the water. The water is also bottled and sold. 

What to do at Beer-e-shifa?

Those who tend to visit the Beer-e-shifa, should be equipped with their empty and clean water bottles so that they can get their bottles filled up directly through the motor. This will help you attain pure water. Their are taps there so you can drink and collect the healing water!

Also, remember that there are no rest rooms there yet there is a mosque where you can perform your pryaers. However, there was no proepr abultion area or washrooms, so be mindful about that! 

Beer-e-shifa is located near to the area where the historical battle of badr took place. So if you go there, you can explore the battlefield and revisit history!

Do not pollute the place! 

What is Beer-e-Shifa?

Beer-e-Shifa is the name of Holy well of Saudi Arabia. The water of Beer-e-Shifa well  is known as Aab-e-Shifa. Aab means water and Shifa means to heal something or healing. The history dates of Beer-e-Shifa well of Saudi Arabia dates back to more than 1400 years ago.

 Why is Beer-e-Shifa popular?

The water of Beer-e-shifa was considered unhealthy and poisonious. It had infected peopel and animals. However, when the Prophet PBUH spat into it, it turned from salty to pure and piosonous to healing! 

What are benefits of water of beer e shifa?

People who drank the water from the well claimed to have seen several health benefits.

  • They say the water is still in its purest form and clean from all the germs and bacteria.
  • It has shown magical healing powers to its users.
  • The water is a good source of calcium and keeps you active throughout the day.
  • The well water is very effective in treating several ailments.
  • Some people say that well water therapy is good for pains and abnormalities in the body.


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