How to get rid of house Centipedes? (7 best remedies)

how to get rid of house centipedes

How to get rid of house Centipedes? Are their natural remedies for getting rid of House centipedes? Shall I be careful of house centipedes?

House centipedes are a common household pest that can be found in most parts of the world. While they are generally harmless to humans and can even be beneficial in some cases, their appearance can be unsettling and their presence in large numbers can be a sign of a bigger problem. If you’re dealing with a house centipede infestation, it’s important to take action to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Here is a complete guide on how to get rid of house centipedes, from their identification to getting rid to preventing them in the future!

Understanding House Centipedes: Their Habits and Characteristics

If you’ve ever come across a house centipede scurrying across your floorboards, your first instinct might be to grab a shoe and squash it. But before you do so, it’s helpful to know a little more about these creepy crawly critters. Thus, before knowing how to get rid of house centipedes, let’s see what are house centipedes!

The Anatomy of a House Centipede

House centipedes are small, agile insects that can range in size from just a few millimeters to a couple of inches long. They have elongated bodies with numerous pairs of long, slender legs, giving them a distinctive appearance. Their bodies are typically yellowish-gray or brown in color with dark stripes or spots.

They possess a pair of long antennae on their head, as well as two prominent, curved mandibles, which they use to capture and kill their prey. House centipedes have compound eyes, which allow them to see well in low-light conditions.

how to get rid of house centipedes

The Dangers of House Centipedes: Why and how to get rid of house centipedes?

While house centipedes might give you the heebie-jeebies, they’re not necessarily harmful to humans. However, there are a few reasons why you might want to consider getting rid of them.

Are House Centipedes Dangerous to Humans?

House centipedes are not venomous and are generally harmless to humans. However, their bite can be painful and cause localized swelling, similar to a bee sting.

How House Centipedes Can Damage Your Home

House centipedes feed on other insects, such as cockroaches, spiders, and silverfish. While they might be helpful in keeping other pests under control, they can cause damage to your home. House centipedes are attracted to moisture and can cause structural damage by burrowing into the wood and creating nests.

Identifying the Source of Infestation: Finding Where House Centipedes Are Coming From

If you’re dealing with a house centipede infestation, it’s essential to identify where they’re coming from to effectively eliminate them.

Common Areas Where House Centipedes Hide

House centipedes are nocturnal creatures and will typically hide in dark, damp areas during the day. Common hiding spots include basements, bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms.

How to Identify House Centipede Infestations?

If you notice small, fast-moving insects with multiple legs scurrying across your floors, walls, or ceilings, chances are you’re dealing with a house centipede infestation. Look for droppings or shed skin around common hiding spots to confirm the presence of house centipedes.

Prevention is Key: How to Keep House Centipedes Out of Your Home

The best way to get rid of house centipedes is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place.

How to Seal Your Home from House Centipedes?

Sealing cracks and gaps in your home’s foundation, windows, and doors can help deter house centipedes from entering. Be sure to seal any gaps around pipes, as well as openings around vents and electrical outlets.

How to get rid of house centipedes by reducing Moisture and Humidity in your home?

House centipedes are attracted to moisture, so reducing humidity levels in your home can help keep them at bay. Use a dehumidifier to lower humidity levels in basements and other damp areas, and eliminate any standing water around your home’s foundation.

how to get rid of house centipedes

You might also find it useful to learn about how to get rid of Cockroaches 

Natural and Chemical Remedies: How to Get Rid of House Centipedes Effectively

House centipedes might look harmless, but their presence can be quite unsettling. If you are dealing with a house centipede infestation, you don’t have to live with them forever. There are several ways to get rid of these creepy crawlies.

How to get rid of House centipedes through Natural Remedies?

Here are some natural remedies that you can try to get rid of house centipedes:

  • Seal Cracks and Openings: House centipedes often enter homes through cracks and openings. Seal all cracks and crevices with caulk or weather stripping.
  • Reduce Humidity: House centipedes thrive in humid environments. Use a dehumidifier in damp areas like the bathroom and basement.
  • Use Essential Oils: Some essential oils like lavender, tea tree, and peppermint oil can repel house centipedes. Mix a few drops of these oils with water and spray in areas where you see them.
  • Diatomaceous Earth: Sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth in areas where centipedes are known to hide. The powder will dehydrate and kill them.

How to get rid of House Centipedes through Chemical treatments?

If natural remedies don’t work, you can use chemical treatments to get rid of house centipedes. Here are some commonly used products:

  • Insecticides: Use insecticides that contain pyrethrin or deltamethrin to kill centipedes. These chemicals are toxic, so follow the instructions carefully.
  • Sticky Traps: Place sticky traps along walls and corners to catch house centipedes as they crawl.
  • Boric Acid: Sprinkle boric acid in areas where centipedes are frequently seen. Boric acid is a natural insecticide that kills them by damaging their exoskeleton.

How to get rid of house centipedes: Tips for Preventing Future Infestations

The best way to deal with house centipedes is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place. Here are some tips to help you maintain a centipede-free home:

How to Keep Your Home Clean and Tidy?

House centipedes thrive in cluttered and dirty environments. Keep your home clean and tidy to discourage them from settling in. Sweep, vacuum and dust regularly.

How to Inspect Your Home Regularly for House Centipedes?

Inspect your home regularly for signs of house centipedes. Look for them in dark and damp areas like the basement, crawl spaces, and under sinks. Seal any cracks and gaps that you find to prevent them from entering.

Also, learn how to get rid of Ants! 

When to Call the Professionals: Dealing with Severe Centipede Infestations

Sometimes, the infestation can be too severe to handle on your own. When this happens, it’s time to call in the professionals.

Signs That You Need Professional Help

If you notice an increase in centipede sightings, or if you find more than 20 centipedes in a week, you may have a severe infestation. If you see centipedes even after trying natural and chemical remedies, you need to call a professional.


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