Mark Zuckerberg- the true story of the world’s youngest billionaire

Being a billionaire at a young age is indeed an achievement. We have brilliant minds all over the world, we have hardworking people who work tirelessly: but all cannot make it up to the mark. There are only few who shine high above the sky and among them, Mark Zuckerberg indeed shines the brightest.

The co-founder and CEO of the most trending social media site, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg came a long way to achieve what he is now. And by no doubt, he works tirelessly to make Facebook competitive. Right now he is also working for the humanitarian cause.

When was Mark Zuckerberg born?

Born in 1984, in New York in a financially stable and well-educated family, Mark Zuckerberg had all support from his family from an early age. He showed interest in computers since an early age and his family never let him down and rather appreciated it.

The early life of Zuckerberg

His first-ever invention was a Zucknet which was built out of a Basic Atari for messaging purposes. Zucknet was invented when he was only 12 years old. This invention was used by his family. They would use it for inter-family communication and his father used it in his dental clinic to call out patients without making noise.

He had some friends who were good at arts and drawing. So they would draw for him and he would design games out of them. He had built several games during his young age.

His parents hired a computer teacher to teach him computer basics so that Mark could excel at what he had an interest in. He would come to Mark’s home once a week.

He was then sent to Phillips Exeter Academy which was an exclusive preparatory school. There he excelled at fencing, literature, and captainship. However, his interest in computers never died and he continued to work on programs.

He developed an initial version of the music software Pandora, which he named Synapse. Microsoft and AOL wanted to buy it but Mark rejected the offers.

Harvard University and the Rise of Mark Zuckerberg

After graduating from the very institute, Mark went to Harvard University. There he earned the reputation of go to software developer. He is credited to have developed a software named CourseMatch for the university. This enabled the students to select classes according to their courses. He had also developed a fun site named as FaceMash which would compare two students at a time on the basis of attraction. It sparked anger and hatred among different students and raised unhealthy competition. This caused the closure of the site.

Three of the students approached him to help them design a networking site for the students of Harvard. They wanted to name it the Harvard Connection which would work as a dating site. Even though Mark agreed initially and worked on the project, later he used a similar idea to create Facebook with his own friends.

Mark’s idea was a unique one, he wanted people to create their profiles, put up their pictures and communicate with others. Zuckerberg and his friends worked on the site from the dorm room at Harvard. Later Mark dropped out of Harvard and set up a company in California. He was able to catch 1 million users by the end of the year!

Threads-an endless venture of Zuckerberg!

Mark has just launched a new application under Instagram which is under the umbrella of Meta. Threads, which is a conversation application is known to be a competitor of Twitter. Elon Musk has even shown his disbelief in threads by complaining it is “cheating” rather than healthy competition. Threads launch has been a success, as celebrities and people are fastly moving to it to connect with each other.

thread app by Mark Zuckerberg

It just shows Zuckerberg is not only evolving Facebook and WhatsApp, but also all set for new ventures.

What is the net worth of Mark Zuckerberg now?

According to a 2023 Bloomberg report on billionaires, Mark Zuckerberg is the 9th richest person in the world with a net worth $ 110.5 billion.


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