Top 4 Misconceptions about Coffee Beverage – Health Tips

What are the misconceptions about coffee?

Majority of people out there cannot imagine the start of their day without a shot of caffeine to wake them up properly. Cafés selling coffee are lined up with people for a cup of their favorite beverage whether it be a latte, cappuccino, espresso, tea or organic coffee. On the contrary, others prefer to have an energy drink to boost their day or just a nice cup of tea for a peaceful morning. Coffee is one of the drinks people use in excess.

We hear a lot of negative and horrific things about coffee which are not true. Therefore, The Planet Today brings an article for coffee lovers, busting the popular myths about drinking coffee so that you can clear the confusion if someone tells you damaging facts about coffee. Here are the top 4 misconceptions about coffee:

1. Coffee as a Health Hazard

misconceptions about coffee - Health Hazards

Coffee is not something harmful to your health. Recent studies have concluded that drinking coffee can reduce chances of heart diseases. Moreover, coffee contains a substance called Riboflavin which constitutes 11% in one serving which aids the metabolism of your body. American Institute for Cancer Research has declared coffee as a cancer-fighting agent. Evidence suggests that coffee plays a vital role in cell repair when a person is suffering from prostate, breast, liver or different kinds of skin cancers. In 2016, the World Health Organization has removed coffee from carcinogens which are harmful to health. Scientists studying the relationship between cancer and coffee concluded that drinking two to three cups of coffee can diminish the risk of numerous cancer types.

2. Coffee doesn’t let you sleep

Another to the list of misconceptions about coffee is that it doesn’t let you sleep. Many individuals are reluctant to take up a cup of coffee in the evening because they believe it will have a negative effect on their sleepy mood and as a result, they will be up all night. The reality is the opposite of this myth. If you take coffee in the afternoon or evening, it will have no effect on your body as it is drained from your system within five hours. Instead, it lightens up your liver if you have a cup of coffee after lunch. Coffee cannot have interference with your sleep schedule if you do not take the drink five to six hours before sleep.

3. Coffee has damaging effects on vital body organs

Using coffee in reasonable intakes does not have any damaging effect on our body. You will be ok if you drink two to three cups of coffee. Studies suggest that there is no connection between coffee with an increase in cholesterol. It can lead to raised sugar levels but only if you take too much sugar with the coffee. Harvard University conducted a study to clear the misconception of coffee connecting to rabies with no clear relationship with each other. It might be a cause for hypertension in the beginning but in the long run, this rising heart rate is temporary. Also, if you are suffering from hypertension previously, then you should consider consulting with your doctor about the use of coffee. Coffee is considered the best beverage to prevent clogged arteries. New studies have shown that coffee acts as a catalyst in damage repair of cardiovascular cells. Caffeine tempts the movement of p27 protein into the mitochondria resulting in the protection of heart muscles from any damage. It is also researched that drinking coffee at an older age is much more advantageous as compared to people in their younger age as it prevents the risk of heart diseases.

misconception about coffee

4. Coffee sticks to you like an addiction

It is a well-known fact that coffee stimulates dopamine which sends signals of happy feeling in the brain. Caffeine is not an addiction but people become more dependent on it with the passage of time. It becomes a part of their routine like wearing clothes or eating food. A person gets irritated when you take him out of his daily routine as he is not getting those happy vibes every morning. He becomes sluggish and withdraws himself from the environment. Scientist, Megan Boyce explains that the withdrawal symptoms caused by not drinking coffee can lead to minor problems like losing concentration, headaches and muscle pain.

Caffeine causes a little bit of disruption in our body due to an increase in dopamine but it is minor compared to other drugs like marijuana. That’s why it does not come into the category of addiction. The withdrawal symptoms go away if you gradually reduce coffee from your routine. The substitutes can be decaf or organic coffee.


People have real misconceptions about coffee without even checking the facts. Caffeine is not only in coffee and tea leaves but also in cocoa beans and kola nuts as well. The amount of coffee depends on the size of your serving and ingredients in the product. In light of the facts mentioned above, you should keep enjoying your morning cup of coffee while imagining infinite possibilities of your success in your life. It is recommended that you should keep your intake within the normal limits of four hundred milligrams per day. It keeps you healthy and energized for a longer period.

We hope that this article clears the top 4 misconceptions about coffee!


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