The best country to live and work in

Which is the Best country to live and work in? Which country offers best living standards and work conditions for expats?

A small European country, Switzerland has been ranked as the world’s best place to live and work in the past. Thus, we can say it will be on top in the future by growing financially and economically.

Switzerland, The best country to live and work in

Switzerland recently ranked on the top of the list. It stole the crown of the best place in the world from Singapore. Since last five consecutive years, Singapore was at the top of the best places in the World.

What made Switzerland rank on the top?

According to HSBC Expat Explorer report, which ranks 33 countries globally: the top position to Switzerland is based on interviews with more than 18,000 people in 163 locations.

Country’s political and economic stability

Switzerland was on 8th number but today it is on the top of the list. It all happened because of Switzerland’s political and economic stability. Besides this, the majority of the people who have relocated to Switzerland from overseas claimed their satisfaction with the economic as well as the political environment of the country.

What did people say about the best country to live and work in?

Nearly 82% overseas who moved there to work claimed that they loved the living standard of Switzerland and enjoyed it as it was much better than their home country. They also claimed that their life has improved a lot after moving to Switzerland. 67% said that Switzerland is a safe country as they felt safer than their own home town. 70% of people said Switzerland is a neat and clean country. 42% said they improved their health in Switzerland.

best country to live and work in

Highest Salary payer

Nearly 70% people said that they moved to Switzerland and now they are enjoying their higher level of disposable income. The expats or foreigners living here earn an average of $111,587 against a global average of $75,966 according to HSBC. It ranks on the top for salaries while it comes second for the disposable income.

Besides the high living standards and the competitive salaries, the country also offers “the complete expat package” with improved quality of living style and excellent salary packages as well as swift career progression.

The country stood at good position in all the categories

The HSBC Expat Explorer breaks down it’s findings in three categories. The first one is living, the second is aspiring which refers to finance and career prospect and the third one is family life and education. After the survey, Switzerland ranked relatively high in all three categories. It stood on the seventh position for living and on the fourth for children and family life.

HSBC’s top 10 best places to live and work in

By taking the top position in the latest ranking, Switzerland stripped serial top-place getter Singapore of its crown. In the latest ranking, Singapore has moved down to the second position. The top ten HSBC’s “Best places to live and work” was ordered as:

  1. Switzerland
  2. Singapore
  3. Canada
  4. Spain
  5. New Zealand
  6. Australia
  7. Turkey
  8. Germany
  9. UAE
  10. Vietnam.
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